Day 1 - Type Basics and Better workflow with tsconfig

When working with TypeScript we would want to define the type of each variable. This can be done explicitly or implicitly.

To explicitly define a variable type we can write the following code

// We can clearly see we define type after the colon
let name: string = "Gottcha";

But this can also be done implicitly by simply giving the variable a value. TypeScript will automatically take the value as the initial value's type

let email = ""

Here TypeScript automatically assumes the type as a string.

Here is a list of data types available in TypeScript

numberIt is used to represent both Integer as well as Floating-Point numbers
booleanRepresents true and false
stringIt is used to represent a sequence of characters
voidGenerally used on function return-types
nullIt is used when an object does not have any value
undefinedDenotes value given to uninitialized variable
anyIf a variable is declared with any data type then any type of value can be assigned to that variable

Executing .ts file

To execute .ts file we have to first compile it to js use tsc(TypeScript Compiler) compiler and then we can run that .js file.

tsc index.ts
node index.js

this command compiles index.ts file and makes index.js file. then we can further run the file by using node.

to automate this process we can add tsconfig.json file which will allow us to continously monitor these files.

To create this tsconfig.json file we run the following command in terminal:

tsc --init

this initializes tsconfig.json file in current directory. Now we give it path for input and output of the files. to do this we uncomment the rootDir variable and outDir variables. These variable define input and out directories and can be set as shown:

Now we can simply run tsc to compile the files inside src and get our output in dist folder.

We can go one step further by automating this and keeping regular watch on our code. This will automatically compile js for this we run the following:

tsc --watch

this keeps watch on our code and automatically updates it when there is a change in file.

But we still have to run "node dist/index.js" to see the output of the file. To take care of this we can run the following command to watch index.js file and easily detect changes in index.js file:

node --watch dist/index.js

Notice, we have to run both the commands in two different terminal instances to keep watch on our code and run it as well.


These notes are made by watching the Net Ninjas TypeScript Crash course. Checkout the first article in this series to find link for Net Ninja youtube channel and TypeScript Crash course as well.

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